FWIW I had talked with Jason Vanzyl yesterday here at Apachecon and asked him about how they would do the conversion. It was a short conversation but his comment was that reorganizing the tree wasnt overly critical but it makes sense at the right time.

I think it is probably more critical than Jason, but agree that it is not a show-stopper. Lucky for us, out current module internal layout is reasonable enough to allow it to live asis for a while longer.

The layout of the actual modules is more of an issue, as common modules share common dependencies and configuration, that we want to share in a common parent... but, we don't want to push those dependencies and configurations on all of the modules. So, it is fairly important to get to a point where we can reorganize modules into deeper trees and move away from the flat set of modules/configs/ assemblies.

In his experience trying to move to a full M2 environment from M1 is best done incrementally and not all at once.

Not sure I agree with Jason here. Experience has shown me that trying to do an incremental m1 to m2 while at the same time keeping a functional m1 build results in more work and much more time spent to achieve the same goal of getting onto m2 completely. In some cases that incremental move can take some groups upwards of 6 months (and those groups did not have RTC to worry about, but instead had real features to block the m2 work).

It can be done... but can be costly.


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