The m-a-p is invoked twice for the following reasons:

When we copy some modules into a m2 repo structure format, it also
copies the META-INF/maven/.. directories. This unneccesary directory
introduces a very long path too. So in the first execution, we use the
<intermediaryAssembly> to skip the archive process. In the second
execution, we copy over the repo structure from the staging area but
exclude the META-INF/maven dirs into our geronimo/repository.

We are unpacking scripts in the first execution. I think it's
redundant. I'll remove it.


On 7/1/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why do we need to invoke the assembly plugin twice?  It does not look
like there is anything in the steps you listed below that actually
requires that the assembly plugin be invoked twice.  Maybe I am
wrong, can you shed some light on this please?


> Here's how we assemble our binaries
> 1. Our pom.xml first lists all and only geronimo modules, configs and
> apps as dependencies. The transitive deps are taken care of by m-a-p.
> 2. We first invoke the geronimo-assembly-plugin's "installConfig" goal
> to install the configs into target/archive-temp/repository. This mojo
> will try to install all dependencies of type "car" when no artifact is
> explicitly specified. Since we have listed all configs as deps in our
> j2ee-jetty-server pom.xml, they are installed.
> 3. Then we invoke m-a-p with assembly descriptor setup.xml and
> intermediaryAssembly set to true.  The intermediaryAssembly set to
> true will create the staging area but skip the final archive creation.
> The setup.xml will copy all deps other than the <excludes> from
> localRepository to target/archive-temp/repository. We exclude the
> configs here b'coz the configs are installed in step 2 above. So now
> we have the modules and the configs all in the same repo.
> 4. We also use this setup.xml to unpack the scripts module into the
> staging area.
> 5. Then we invoke m-a-p again with assembly descriptor bin.xml. The
> plugin copies the library jars, the schema files, the jars for bin
> etc. The *.bat and *.sh files that we copied into the staging area  in
> step 4 are now bundled into the archive but with correct mode and
> lineendings..
> That's about it.
> Cheers
> Prasad

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