Thanks Jason!,

Comparing your pom to mine, I changed the packaging back to pom, and noticed your configuration for the assembly plugin invoked the goal "attached" where mine invoked "assembly". Changing it to attached seemed to correct the problem. Although I still don't understand why as looking at both of the goal descriptions they do the same thing.

On Jul 6, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

I am using pom packaging for GShell assemblies (as well for other projects) with no problems using dependencySets: gshell-assemblies/gshell-complete-assembly/pom.xml

But, that assembly's pom can not depend on another pom with pom packaging and expect to pick up all of the dependencies it has listed.


On Jul 6, 2006, at 11:04 AM, Sachin Patel wrote:

So I'm not sure if this is a bug in Maven or not... but in a given module if the POM packaging is set to pom and if assembly descriptors use dependencySet the dependencies as specified in the POM seem to be ignored and the assembly zips end up being empty. If I set the packaging to jar then the dependencies get picked up and packaged.

I'm going to go and and fix this in the devtools assembly module by changing the packaging to a jar, if anyone thinks this is wrong let me know.

On Jul 6, 2006, at 12:34 PM, Sachin Patel wrote:

Is it better to have an separate assembly module that generates the assemblies or is it better to have the assembly plugin configured in the root pom? Currently in devtools I have it as a seperate module and use dependencySets to specify what gets included in the binaries. However as mentioned in earlier threads this is having problems working on one platform but not on another. I don't know if it would make a difference if I define the assembly config in the root POM and use moduleSets instead.

I'm wanting to put out a vote on the release of the 1.1 version of the eclipse plugin but need to get this problem fixed as currently my machine seems to be the only machine in which the assembly generation seems to be working :(.




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