On Jul 9, 2006, at 8:57 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

Thanks for pointing these problems out. I'll start working on getting a SNAPSHOT...


A few comments:

TimerManager.isSuspended(), isSuspending(), waitForStop(), and waitForSuspend() look correct to me. The javadoc for TimerManager.suspend() gives mixed messages. I'm going to keep the "suspend() throws IllegalStateException" for now... Let me know if you have evidence as to what it should be.

For suspend, the JavaDoc declares no exception but as it is a RuntimeException it can still be thrown (and listed in the Throws section). It's confusing and in real life irrelevant but I would recommend removing it - some signature checkers will flag it being there as an problem.

Sorry about isSuspended and isSuspending.

With waitForStop and waitForSuspend I only changed the parameter name to match the documentation and not the signature. The name in the doc is "timeout_ms" which includes the unit which I thought was a little clearer.

Your WorkCompletedException used a few Java 5 methods, I backed it down so it will build under 1.4.

Thanks, guess I've been in 1.5 mode too long.

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