On 7/11/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You're right.  Here are some snippits from the j2ee 1.4 spec:

Wow, I had thought that was all optional.  Guess not!

Given the above text the I would categorize this bug as a blocker for

I agree.


On Jul 11, 2006, at 10:20 AM, Mario Ruebsam wrote:

> I'm not sure but I think the Class-Path entry in war files is covered
> by the spec because EAR, WAR and RAR are JAR files. J2EE 1.4
> excluded EAR files from that. EAR manifest files should not contain a
> Class-Path entry.
> packaging description from sun:
> http://java.sun.com/j2ee/verified/packaging.html
> Also the class path entry is relative to the war file not the WEB-
> INF/classes
> or WEB-INF/lib in the war file.
> Thanks,
> Mario
> Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2006, at 8:30 AM, David Jencks wrote:
>>> On Jul 11, 2006, at 8:03 AM, Aaron Mulder wrote:
>>>> What if the WAR is in a subdir within the EAR like foo/bar/
>>>> some.war?
>>>> Then ".." alone won't work to resolve paths relative to the EAR.
>>> Yes, whatever relative path we might generate certainly would
>>> have to take account of the position of the war inside the ear.
>> IIRC, the manifest class path is relative to the archive itself.
>> In this case it is relative to the some.war, so if you want
>> something in the foo dir, the manifest class path entry would have
>> to be ../../jar.jar
>> Also, I think all of this is out side of the spec.  IIRC the spec
>> only talks about manifest class path entries of jar files, and
>> since a war is not a jar file it isn't covered by the spec.
>> Regardless, I think it is a good idea to support this, but I want
>> to clarify that I don't believe this is a certification issue.
>>>> I would think from a WAR-in-EAR, we could identify the Module ID of
>>>> the EAR, and then use the repo to construct a path to the JAR-in-
>>>> EAR
>>>> with the EAR module ID and the JAR path.  Is there a reason why
>>>> that
>>>> wouldn't work?
>>> IIUC you are suggesting that the war configuration/module keep
>>> track of two parts of its classpath: one inside itself, for WEB-
>>> INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes, and one inside the enclosing ear,
>>> for the manifest classpath.  This certainly seems possible to me
>>> but I wonder what advantage it would have over only tracking
>>> stuff in one place.
>>> So, now I see even more possibilities:
>>> 1. copy the manifest cp entries from the ear into the war.  This
>>> would keep the war self contained, but otherwise seems like a lot
>>> of extra work for nothing.
>>> 2. keep track of the stuff inside the war and inside the ear
>>> separately (your proposal IIUC)
>>> 3. keep track of the war classpath based on the war location
>>> inside the ear, so manifest classpath entries get a ../ prepended
>>> to them (if the war was in a subdirectory in the ear, manifest cp
>>> entries would most likely already have one or more ../ since
>>> entries are relative to the war location).
>>> 4. keep track of the entire war classpath based on the ear
>>> location, so the stuff in WEB-INF/[lib,classes] would have the
>>> war location inside the ear prepended.
>>> I'm tempted by (4).    To me it says, here's the ear with a lot
>>> of stuff inside, and you can define classloaders that access an
>>> arbitrary subset of the stuff inside.  I think this is the most
>>> compatible with the idea that's been floating around for a while
>>> of keeping the configuration separate from the j2ee artifact that
>>> is is based on: i.e. copy (possibly with unpacking) the j2ee
>>> artifact into the repo, and not into the car file: the car file
>>> just gets pointers into the j2ee artifact to define its classloader.
>> Um I didn't really understand all the options, but I would like to
>> suggest that the class path contain patterns (the code is already
>> in place for this) and we resolve these patterns against the root
>> dir of the war.  For manifest class path entries, we would just
>> need to prepend each entry with ../  to get outside the war dir
>> and prepend them to the class path with the manifest entries.  For
>> example, the example aaron used above would result in the following:
>> War base dir: foo/bar/web.war/
>> War class path:  ../../../jar.jar lib/classes lib/*.jar lib/*.zip
>> Final class path: foo/jar.jar
>>     foo/bar/web.war/lib/classes
>>     foo/bar/web.war/lib/lib.jar
>>     foo/bar/web.war/lib/lib.zip
>> -dain

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