Would it be possible to check the XBEAN-22 patch and fix
the related XBEAN-19 feature in this release ?

The XBEAN-22 is about enhancing the current class loader in xbean-server
with the work the Dain did in Geronimo.   This will allow to specify classes
to exclude in parent loaders or classes that can not be overriden.  A patch
is attached to the JIRA.

XBEAN-19 is to allow this feature to be used with the extended spring tag
I have already implemented this feature but i will not be able to ubmit a patch
(i can only access my web mail).

Note that these features can be delayed until 2.6.
In any cases, I'm +1 to fix the existing problems and release 2.5.

Guillaume Nodet

On 7/11/06, James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've just applied 2 trivial bug fixes to the xbean-spring module of XBean.

The first is a patch from Guillaume which is a one liner to create the
xml parser using a helper method (used by all the other
ApplicationContext implementations).

The other is a trivial fix but has a major impact. Version 2.0-rc2 of
spring barfs if you pass a null ClassLoader into the NamespaceHandler
stuff - however the regression tests for 2.0-rc1 and 2.0-m5 work fine.
Basically this means that all projects using xbean-spring (such as
ActiveMQ, OpenEJB, XFire, ServiceMix, Jetty etc) will all break if the
user upgrades from 2.0-m5 or 2.0-rc1 of spring to 2.0-rc2.

I've just added a one liner to use the current threads context class
loader if the class loader is null to avoid the exception which seems
to work fine. (I added a regression test for 2.0-rc2 by just cut and
pasting the regression test for 2.0-rc1 which reproduced the error so
I could test the fix worked).

Due to the serious nature of this bug (and we've already had a few
user mails on ActiveMQ about this already and spring 2.0-rc2 has only
been out a short time) I'd like us to get a release of xbean out ASAP
to avoid users hittitng this issue.

Here's my +1



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