There's a method somewhere (perhaps ThreadPool) that takes a name and
a runnable and is useful in that the console can then show what kind
of work is being done with the thread pool -- particularly useful for
things like the default thread pool which can be used all over the
place.  I don't really fancy removing that.  But I'm fine with
removing the interface below.


On 7/17/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can we remove the interface GeronimoExecutor from Geronimo or at the
very least have no services use it?  For those of you whom are not
aware of this interface, it adds a getName and getObjectName
interface to an Executor.  Here is the code:

public interface GeronimoExecutor extends Executor,
org.apache.geronimo.system.threads.ThreadPool {
      * Gets a human-readable name identifying this object.
     String getName();

      * Gets the unique name of this object.  The object name must
comply with
      * the ObjectName specification in the JMX specification.
      * @return the unique name of this object within the server
     String getObjectName();

I searched the code base and there isn't a single use of the getName
and getObjectName methods.  The problem is the Work manager needs one
of these in the constructor, but it only uses the execute method
declared on in the Executor and ThreadPool interfaces.  This means
that if you want to use the work manager you must take both the
geronimo-core and geronimo-system jars to get the GeronimoExecutor
and ThreadPool interfaces respectively.

So can we please please please remove this interface and just use

I'd like to do this in both 1.2 and 1.1.1.


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