On Jul 18, 2006, at 6:43 PM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

Kevan Miller wrote:

On Jul 18, 2006, at 8:53 AM, John Sisson wrote:

Whilst testing the geronimo eclipse plugin, eclipse prompted me to acknowledge the Sun license at http://developers.sun.com/ license/berkeley_license.html when caching the j2ee schema files (e.g. http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/ejb-jar_2_1.xsd ).

This made me wonder whether this license has been included for Geronimo (since we redistribute schema files) and it appears the LICENSE.txt file in 1.1 doesn't contain it.

I'll add a JIRA for 1.1.1 if there aren't any objections.

Can anyone think of any other licenses or notices we may have overlooked?

Yes. Would appreciate your thoughts on the following:

1) Fix LICENSE and NOTICE files for branches/1.1/modules/util (currently they are only Bouncy Castle -- I believe that we have ASL code in there, also).
I think we should do it
2) Do we need to add Bouncy Castle to our "global" LICENSE and NOTICE files (i.e. branches/1.1/modules/scripts/src/resources/) ? I think yes. 3) Insure NOTICE files are included in our jar files (currently only LICENSE files are there)
4) Do we need to add LICENSE/NOTICE files in our generated CARs?
5) Can the "global" LICENSE and NOTICE files be used in all our generated artifacts (distributions, jars, cars)? Or do we need global files and specific license/notice files for generated module jars and car files?

2-4 should be run by legal, no?

To support #5, I hope we don't need some kind of maven magic.

I think 1,2,3 are must do's. I think we can ignore 4. There are some CAR "files" in ibiblio -- http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/geronimo/cars/ However, I'm not sure why they are there... They are all "1.0" and dated December 22nd. Should we have them removed? To my knowledge, we don't build or distribute CAR files in 1.1 (we do have ".car" directories in our repository, but IMO that's no different from any other directory name we might have...)

Regarding 5, I think the right thing to do is have a global LICENSE and NOTICE file in the base of our distributions. We currently have this. Each of our jar files should have LICENSE and NOTICE files specific to each jar. I don't think that this is hard to do. Am I wrong? They all need standard ASL license and notice files. util needs to include bouncy castle info. Are there other geronimo generated jars with any licensing requirements beyond ASL 2?


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