On 7/20/06, Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Paul McMahan wrote:

> Brian, thanks for all your support in this effort so far!  With your
> permission I would like to make the  plugin available from a Geronimo
> plugin repository (perhaps geronimoplugins.com) so the Geronimo
> community can start taking a look at it.

Paul, what about allowing Liferay to host it themselves since they have
their own distribution location?  Would this not ultimately be the goal,
where it acts like eclipse-plugins and one can paste in the URL to the host?

Yeah I agree that Liferay hosting the plugin themselves could be
preferable since it would allow them to ultimately have control over
the distribution of their IP.  My only hesitation with suggesting that
approach was that IIUC in order for a plugin to show up in the admin
console's list of available plugins it needs to be in a properly
arranged repository with the appropriate directory structure and
metadata files surrounding it.  I created an experimental plugin
repository for testing the Liferay plugin and it is straightforward
but not exactly trivial to setup and maintain.  Another reason I
suggested a centralized location like geronimoplugins.com is because
you currently cannot paste a URL to the host where plugins are offered
into the admin console -- you need to edit config.xml and then
Geronimo to add the host, or have it added to the master list of
repositories maintained at people.apache.org.  GERONIMO-2076 will
address that but not until version 1.1.2 at the earliest.


> thanks,
> Paul
> On 6/22/06, Brian Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> It's great to see the traction going on in the Geronimo world. Just
>> signed up for the dev list so I'm happy to participate.
>> In our next release of Liferay 4.1.0, we'll:
>> 1.) Upgrade to the latest Geronimo 1.1 (even if it's just a pre zip
>> until 1.1 gets voted final).
>> 2.) Use Derby instead of HSQL. (Thanks to Paul!)
>> Liferay, by default (because our users are now used to it), deploys
>> itself to /
>> That isn't mandatory though. So for our plugin, we just have to make
>> it map to something like /portal  or /liferay instead. It requires one
>> xml change and one property change.
>> I'm also working with Jeff Genender to also get the EJB version out
>> soon too.
>> Thanks all.
>> --
>> Brian Chan
>> Chief Executive Officer
>> Liferay, LLC
>> Enterprise. Open Source. For Life.

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