I'm still trying to figure out some critical problems with the keystore processing on jetty.

The most serious problem that I've yet to resolve is a problem with the lock/unlock of the keystore availability lock. A subsequent server restart will fail because "Keystore 'geronimo-default' is locked". It appears that we cannot recover from this error either. Even if I change the config.xml for SSLConnector to load="false", restart the server, unlock the keystore/key (again) I still get the same failure when I attempt to start with the SSLConnector enabled.

At first I thought this was because of the duplicate attribute entries referenced in an earlier post. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I edited the config.xml to remove the "null" entries and was able to get the server started. However, I have recently been unable to recover from this error using the same mechanism. In fact it seems to create more problems because after removing the null entries I now get an UnrecoverableKeyException.

Any advice or recommendations? I'm beginning to wonder if we should disable the keystore portlet for 1.1.1 so that the user can't shoot himself in the foot.


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