Just back online after OSCON. Reading/replying on this thread one at a time.

On Jul 28, 2006, at 10:21 AM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

I'm interested in setting up VMware Server on my GBuild boxes, since
my understanding is that the TCK is pretty single-threaded and we
ought to get better utilization out of the (dual-CPU) machines if we
ran the host plus one VM or just two VMs (and forget about the host)
on each box.

I've been wanting to try that as well. Pretty much for the same reasons you mention (more utilization, more test results), and also that we could maybe start getting certification numbers for other OSs depending on how we did it.

Obviously, the "other OS" concept would require VMWare whereas we might get away with just Xen if we simply wanted to expand our number of test hosts.

It sounds like memory might be the constraining feature -- my boxes
have 1.5, 2, and 4 GB respectively and I wonder whether splitting the
smaller ones in half would leave enough RAM for the TCK to run.  Would
512 or 768 be enough?

To my memory, 512 isn't enough. I seem to recall 1g being the general, finger in the wind, of size. We could experiment as it has been a while and our server has changed a bit.

The other question is IPs.  I only have 3 IPs.  Is there any way for
me to put all the boxes/VMs behind a NAT and have them share 1 IP with
various port forwards, or do they really need to each have a public

Testing boxes don't need public IPs to test, we just need some way to get in to admin the box. As long as we can do that we're golden; forwarding or tunneling should work.


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