I'm ok with dropping it.


On Aug 16, 2006, at 1:40 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

I have always been in favor of dropping any uber-jars. They cause more problems then they are worth.

As for RTC... I am not so sure that this applies really. Its not going to surprise anyone, its not adding any new code... just fixing up the poms and moving a few bits around in svn.

But, I can jump though the RTC hoop if that is what the PMC wants... I think its a waste of time... mostly mine.


On Aug 16, 2006, at 7:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Aug 16, 2006, at 3:56 AM, Jason Dillon wrote:

What is the status on 1.1.1 wrt this change? Can I go ahead and make these changes?

My reading of Matt's note (which I agree with) is that you should wait until 1.1.1 has been shipped (unless 1.1.1 runs into an extended delay in releasing due to administrative matters).

I think this change should follow the RTC process. This is not a bug fix, not a doc change, etc. It's updating svn and changing the way we deliver specs -- my read is that it falls under RTC.

You don't mention geronimo-j2ee_1.4_spec (the uber-jar). It's currently versioned using the top-level pom version. I assume you plan on adding a geronimoSpecsJ2eeVersion?

Your process for updating the jms spec would be:

    cd specs/geronimo-spec-jms
    mvn release
    cd ../geronimo-spec-j2ee
    mvn release

I'm not so sure that this is any better than we have now... I see two options:

1) drop the uber-jar
2) release all specs simultaneosly (even if they haven't changed) and all have the same version...



On Aug 12, 2006, at 12:16 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:


I'm +1 on the change. In order to release 1.1.1 we need to release an updated version of the J2EE_JAAC specs. I am waiting for feedback from Geir on some licensing issues as well as a TCK run that Kevan is doing. That said I'd prefer to wait until the we cut the 1.1.1 release. If it looks like its going to be delayed due to the licensing concerns then we should do this straight away next week.

Since this isn't a code change I agree with Jason's comments on no review required. Lazy consensus is appropriate here.

Jason Dillon wrote:
A while ago there was talks about independently versioning specs, and Alan started a reorg branch which gives each spec module its own trunk+branches+tags... I have been thinking about this for a while, and with the recent desire to split off more modules from geronimo/trunk I've been pondering it even more. What I have come to believe is that spitting up spec modules into their own trunk+branches +tags is probably not the best direction for us to head in. I believe that all of our specs can, and should, share one trunk... and still have each module specify its own version. This is very similar to how Maven2 plugins is setup, see here:
Each plugin has its own version that changes independently. The top-level pom has a version too, which is independent and is only changed when there is a major configuration change in that pom.
I recommend that we follow this model for our specs.
The advantage to one trunk, is that it facilitates easy check out and building when you just want all of the specs. If each spec was in its own trunk, you would need to svn co each one, then mvn install in each tree, which is a pain. We also almost never branch specs, they just keep chugging along, only really needing tags to track released versions.
So, here is what I propose:
And if needed:
This is a single trunk so to build all specs:
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/specs/ trunk/ specs
    cd specs
    mvn install
To release an individual spec, say geronimo-spec-jms:
    cd specs/geronimo-spec-jms
    mvn release
The m2 release plugin can be configured with a _tag base_, which we can set to: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/specs/tags/$ {pom.artifactId} When released, the plugin will svn cp just the module's directory into a directory under tags, so it will be easy to see what the released versions of a specific spec are.
 * * *
I really do not see the need for each spec to have its own trunk, and really I think that if we did then it would just make it more difficult for cases when we really want all specs.
I do not see any downside to the approach above.
I recommend that we implement this. The only major change, which isn't that major, is that the properties which live in the root pom that control the versions need to be removed... or rather moved back to the <version> element of the respective pom.

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