On Aug 17, 2006, at 11:51 AM, anita kulshreshtha wrote:
    Bill, if you do not want to improve the existing car-maven-plugin,
you will need to use the scope.

Who said anything about not wanting to improve it?

 just like how I added classpathPrefix to be used to
control the prefix for manifest entries.

IMO, the classpath should be constructed dynamically using the
transitive dependencies of the modules, i.e for j2ee-system config use
dependencies of the system module. The way it is now is very hard to
maintain. Every time a dependency is changed in the system module, most
executable configurations must be updated manually. The current way of
maintaining hard coded dependencies in the classPath element are only
marginally better than maintaining a large string of the original
implementaion. Adding prefix to these dependencies is trivial.

I agree it was a small step forward... but now we can pick up version information from maven and not from properties, which means less configuration.

I am not sure how to get this information transitively yet, as soon as I discover the right magic I will implement it.

I think we need to get the magic spell for transitivity before we could implement something similar to pick up deps added to plans or else it will get out of control.


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