On Aug 11, 2006, at 2:41 PM, David Blevins wrote:

On Aug 9, 2006, at 1:21 AM, David Blevins wrote:

I'm going to start a branch tomorrow to experiment with JPA stuff

Done.  Got a branch up here:
 - Revision 430900: /geronimo/branches/jpa-plugin

Didn't turn out to need this as I'm not changing anything. Going to add the plugins to the sandbox instead and delete the branch I made.


Also threw up a wiki page:
 - http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxSBOX/JPA+Plugin

I think I also got Dain roped into helping me with some of the naming parts (bought him breakfast and sprung it on him while he was all in a good mood). We're sitting right next o each other here at a coffee shop so hopefully we can rise to the challenge of keeping stuff on the list.

The last idea in my head last night before I went to sleep was that I thought one good approach was to create the PersistenceUnitInfo objects sans their references to DataSources and shove them into a special JNDI Reference object that will pull the DataSource from JNDI and create the EntityManagerFactory and pass that back in the getValue method (or whatever it's called) of the JNDI Reference upon a lookup.

The user would still be responsible for configuring the name of the DataSource in the persistence.xml and that the DataSource should come from the right pool (i.e. the non-tx pool).

Again, this is for app-managed JPA. Container-managed JPA is another ball of wax.

Anyway, more later.


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