Please take a step back. Everything in the colossus branch is very experimental and still in the brainstorming stage. Not that is out of the way :) I'll explain why I find appealing about David's idea.

David's idea is specifically about how to build up a server layout *without* having a single global "this is where everything is located file". The problem with that style is that to add a new processor you have to modify the global shared file which is problematic since is it not easy to back out later. By attaching the metadata to the actual resource (in this case a directory), it is garbage collected by the os when the dir is deleted. Another cool benefit is you can expand a server, by untaring a new directory into the server, so if you start with an OpenEJB server you can easily add Jetty by unziping a jetty dir into the openejb install.

One thing I like, the idea allows you to rename a directory to meet your existing operating environment with just a "cp" command. This means I can make my server look like Tomcat, websphere, weblogc, or jboss with just a shell script to rearrange the directories.

Of course, such a system is not for everyone, so if the idea pans out, and we merge it into trunk, it will only be one choice for how to setup your server.

Anyway, I think the idea has a lot of potential which is why I want to try to implement it (or get David to do it :)


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