Jason Dillon wrote:
On Aug 20, 2006, at 1:37 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

I guess I missed something, but what's the difference compared to the
current layout ?  This only affect the tags, right ?

Yes, it affects tags primarily... as a side effect of how each module will be released.

4.  Releasing will be done with the maven release plugin ('mvn
release') and should occur at a stable point after any major change
to a spec module.

Currently, the release process is to publish a candidate release, test it,
and once approved, move the *same* binaries to the distribution site.
Using the maven release plugin means that we will vote on a SNAPSHOT
and that plugin will upload new binaries with the release version.
Is that really what's wanted ?

I'm not sure that there is going to be a high barrier to releasing spec jars (they are not quite the same as a server assembly)... and IMO it is fine to vote (if needed) on the SNAPSHOT and then let the release plugin make the release artifacts.

The only issue I see is if the final binaries are different other than removing the SNAPSHOT. I know its all supposed to work but stranger things have happened. I guess that's the release manager's job :)


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