Jason Dillon wrote:
On Aug 21, 2006, at 1:54 PM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I noticed a peculiar thing with the links at the top right of the banner. It seems like clicking on a link like "Source" functions as a toggle ... such that if you click it again once there it will take you back to the home page. This is also true of "Download" and "Mailing Lists".

I do not see this... what browser? They are just plain <a href=""> links... I did not need to clear my browser cache to keep from getting the old site pages... but after that I can click the Source link all day and night and it will bring me to:


You're favorite ... IE ;-) I didn't think to check other browsers .. but after reading your response I tried firefox it worked as it should. Some more IE oddities I guess.

Also, clicking on "JavaDocs" takes me out of the theme completely and doesn't really show javadoc.

I did not alter the links, I just ported from the previous site.


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