Thanks for pointing this out for me.  It seems like a reasonable idea.


Jason Dillon wrote:
We already have this... this just means that compiles will continue to gen 1.4 bytecode. Some tests have been known to fail because they were run with 1.5, and then all that orb stuff. We warn everyone all over the place to not use 1.5 with G right now... figured we should just enforce it at a build level.

Going forward I think we are gonna need this anyways, as it seems that when sun releases a new version that it tends to break things...


On Aug 20, 2006, at 10:36 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

Jason Dillon wrote:
I keep running into problems switching my local jdk (ala setjdk) from 1.4 to 1.5 and forgetting to switch it back again when making G builds.

I though it would be nice if the build would fail early if I had the wrong JDK configured. So, I wroke a require-java-version goal in a new tools-maven-plugin (in Genesis), which allows the build to fail early. It uses Mac OS X-style version suffix tokens (+ and *) to allow selection.

I've set it up for GShell which needs 1.5, but I was wondering if we should configure this goal in trunk and set it to 1.4* so that if you are using 1.5 it will puke early with a meaningful error.

Seems like folks who build with 1.5 run into errors... so maybe its a good thing to force 1.4?



Why not just add the following to the POMs?



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