Ok...I am trying to decode what you just said...  :)

Please confirm 1.4.5-SNAPSHOT was a step forward..if so I will
concentrate on Linux...


Jason Dillon wrote:
> I'm still baffled why this works on some systems and why it fails on
> others...
> But, I'm giving up... I've spent way to much time on this.
> It looks like using 1.4.5-SNAPSHOT causes the build that I finally got
> to fail on windows to pass...
> I have no idea why the openejb2 tests fail on windows either... but as
> Dain suggested... just add getName() to that class and be done with it.
> --jason
> On Aug 25, 2006, at 10:47 AM, Jeff Genender wrote:
>> Add it to your web app pom. use version 5.5.15.
>> Jeff
>> Rick McGuire wrote:
>>> Jeff Genender wrote:
>>>> And what happens when you use 1.4.4 and you add the jasper-compiler-jdt
>>>> as a dependency to the pom?
>>> I'm sorry, I not sure I understood that last bit.  Where do I add the
>>> jasper-compiler-jdt (and which version?).
>>> Rick
>>>> Jeff
>>>> Rick McGuire wrote:
>>>>> Jeff Genender wrote:
>>>>>> Are you using 1.4.5-SNAPSHOT?  I do not see your tools.jar in your
>>>>>> classpath.  Please delete your
>>>>>> ~/.m2/reporitory/org/codehaus/mojo/jspc-maven-plugin directory and
>>>>>> try
>>>>>> again.
>>>>> Same result.  Only the 1.4.5-SNAPSHOT is in the jspc-maven-plugin
>>>>> directory after completion.
>>>>> Rick
>>>>>> Jeff
>>>>>> Rick McGuire wrote:
>>>>>>> Added as an attachment, since Thunderbird's choking on the cut and
>>>>>>> paste
>>>>>>> for some reason.  I'm not sure there's anything useful in the
>>>>>>> additional
>>>>>>> detail.
>>>>>>> Rick

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