Dain has already tried adding getName() and he reports it works...
though I am not sure what value he returned. Try changing it to
return "foo"; and see if it works.
Or ping Dain... this issue has been broke for far too long, why
doesn't someone from openejb just add this method... Dain?!?!
On Aug 31, 2006, at 8:51 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:
I'm not sure just adding getName() will fix the openejb test
problem. See my earlier post:
Jason Dillon wrote:
If using 1.4.5-SNAPSHOT fixes things... then lets just use it.
Can someone with openejb2 commit privs add a getName() to get
past that other error too?
On Aug 30, 2006, at 8:46 AM, Jeff Genender wrote:
Joe Bohn wrote:
2) JSP compilation errors
Embedded error: Unable to compile class for JSP
Strange error message about JAVA_HOME, etc...
Possible Solution/Work-around:
Update the pom.xml in the root directory to use version 1.4.5-
(from 1.4.4) for the jspc-maven-plugin. Not sure if Jeff
Genender is
planning to make 1.4.5 an official release for this. We're not
sure why
it gets us around the problem so it may be a red herring.
Its not a red herring. It gets you around the problem because
in 1.4.5
I actually hunt down the tools.jar file...in a similar fashion as
in Ant when running the jspc complier from there. i.e.:
<taskdef classname="org.apache.jasper.JspC" name="jasper2" >
<pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
I have to duplicate that in code. That's why 1.4.5 works.
The release is under vote. So far no -1s. I think I will be
able to
release it today as the 72 hours is up. I'll let this list know
when I
have released it.