I haven't had a problem running recently on windows due to the long path name problem (although I did in the past). However, I tend not to use very long names anyway.

I know this question is about running and not building ... but I'll take the opportunity to point out one other new bit of news on the building front. I was under the impression that we couldn't exceed something in the realm of 14-15 chars before we started to hit the problem building. However, that was with the M1 build on 1.1.1 (where attempting to use a root of c:\geronimo1.1.1 was hitting the problem). With trunk and the current M2 build I can go longer that that (provided I keep the M2 repo root location fairly short and w/o spaces). I was just able to successfully build with a root of 25 chars and do not yet know what the actual limit is.


Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
I have a quick question. We have seen build failures on windows due to long path problem. Has anyone come across problems at runtime due to long path?


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