David Jencks wrote:
Now I've reviewed this a bit more and have some minor comments:

1. I think you should include the yoko jars only in j2ee-corba (or openejb) and client-corba configurations, not also j2ee-server and client configurations. We might need to split more of openejb into a corba support module so j2ee-corba can contain all of it and then we can deploy openejb w/o pulling in any corba stuff.
That's originally what I tried, but that failed because of class loading issues. The Yoko jars needed to be loaded by the same class loader that was loading the openejb-core code otherwise the ORB adapter code (which was in the openejb-core jar) was unable to resolve the yoko classes.

2. Comment in TSSBean is not quite accurate. A TSSBean can be used with any number of ejbs. It just supplies the additional security info beyond the ssl config that the server will require for accessing the ejbs that reference it. BTW dblevins is rather unhappy with the reference from ejb container to tssbean on the grounds that transport info should not be associated with the ejb container itself. One way to support this would be to have an additional "link" gbean between the tssbean and the ejb container. Another way would be to give the TSSBean a collection of ejbs it services: this was the original implementation but it was impossible to configure for the tck interop tests. One of these approaches might be required to separate the corba stuff out from "core" openejb.
Ok, I'll correct the comments. Every time I think I've really got a handle on what this is doing, I discover something new like this :-)

3. This code from SocketFactory just doesn't look right: (around line 298 or the patch)

+ // now set our listener creation flags based on the supports and requires values from the
+        // TSS config.
+        if ((supports & EstablishTrustInClient.value) != 0) {
+            clientAuthSupported = true;
+            if ((requires & EstablishTrustInClient.value) != 0) {
+                clientAuthRequired = true;
+            }
+        }
+        if ((supports & EstablishTrustInTarget.value) != 0) {
+            clientAuthSupported = true;
+            if ((requires & EstablishTrustInTarget.value) != 0) {
+                clientAuthSupported = true;
+            }
+        }
At least the final clientAuthSupported = true looks redundant to me.
there's similar code around line 565 of the patch:
Good catch....this needs to be "clientAuthRequired = true;". Same problem in the Sun code.

+ // figure out the supports and requires information from the flag values
+        boolean authSupported = false;
+        boolean authRequired = false;
+        if ((supports & EstablishTrustInClient.value) != 0) {
+            authSupported = true;
+            if ((requires & EstablishTrustInClient.value) != 0) {
+                authRequired = true;
+            }
+        }
+        if ((supports & EstablishTrustInTarget.value) != 0) {
+            authSupported = true;
+            if ((requires & EstablishTrustInTarget.value) != 0) {
+                authSupported = true;
+            }
+        }

3. Your comment on CSSBean suffers like the one for TSSBean. A CSSBean just holds the security config info, but you can use one CSSBean to access many remote ejbs.
Yep, I'll correct.

4. The code I don't understand in (2) appears again around line 3980 in sunorb/OpenEJBSocketFactory

This looks great to me!

david jencks

On Sep 14, 2006, at 2:56 PM, David Jencks wrote:

Great work!!!
On Sep 14, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Rick McGuire wrote:

I've just attached patches for issue http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2180, which is to add Yoko support to Geronimo. This is really patches for this issue plus 2 other issues that are highly related:

   http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2002  OPENEBJ CORBA
   SSL should use Keystore GBean
   http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2353  Reduce the
   number of places where CORBA config parameters are specified.

This should also be the first step toward achieving this goal:

http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-433 Tolerate non-Sun JREs

And should also be a step toward allowing full support of Java 5.

This code works as far as being able to start and stop the j2ee-corba system module. Fuller testing is going to require getting the MagicGBall app working and then see how this works with TCK testing. There are some issues with doing either of those steps at the moment, but I decided this is a good point to show people I've done, since it will be easier to ask questions about it.

Let me give the basics of what I've done, and I have a few areas I'd like community input on how I should proceed from here. The bulk of the changes are really around GERONIMO-2353. While trying to fit the Yoko ORB into this structure, I found a number of pain points:

  1. The org.openejb.corba.SunNameService GBean only supported the Sun
     ORB, and was not generally configurable like CORBABean or CSSBean
  2. The CORBABean and CSSBean configuration included "args" and
     "props" items which were passed directly through to an ORB.init()
     call.  These attributes were used to configure things like the
     initial listener port, the host server name, and the initial
     NameServer location.  In a few cases, the values set were not
     portable between ORB implementations, which made it more difficult
     to switch between ORBs.
  3. The CSSBean and CORBABean declarations needed to be coded with a
     dependency on SystemProperties.  The SystemProperties object was
     initializing various system properties that were needed by the
     ORB, and also enabled the RMI support.  These properties were
     generally not portable between ORB implementations, since they
     included references to Sun specific classes.

To clean this up, I reworked the ConfigAdapter interface used in the current code base. This interface now has 3 basic operations 1) create a name service, 2) create a server ORB, and 3) create a client ORB. The existing code is just configured with a ConfigAdapter class name and the CORBABean/CSSBean services instantiated an instance of the class. Now the ConfigAdapters are GBean instances, and the doStart() methods of these GBeans are encapsulate the responsibility for setting the RMI system properties. SunNameService has been replaced by a generic NameService GBean, and NameService, CORBABean, and CSSBean all take a ConfigAdapter instance in their constructors. Now, from a plan standpoint, it's possible to switch between ORBs by changing a single line in the plan. All of this work is really independent of the Yoko-specific changes, but did make it easier to write the Yoko code.

This sounds great!

Which brings me to

ISSUE #1: I added a NameService argument to the CORBABean constructor. The ConfigAdapter would take this NameService instance, and configure the ORB to use the NameService.getURI() result for it's initial NameService reference. Well, when trying to get Geronimo to build, I got a failure on one of the client plans because there was a CORBABean coded, but no NameService. The CORBABean had use the now obsolete arguments attribute to configure the ORB to use a remote NameService. I thought on this a little, and decided to just add a "local" attribute to the NameService GBean. If local is false, then the bean does not launch a local server instance and the getURI() returns the remote location of the NameService as specified by the host/port combination. This worked very well, but it somehow feels like a convenience hack to me. Does this sound ok, or should I take some other approach with this?

This seems reasonable to me. There might be an even better way to deal with this, but we definitely need to support both a name server in the same vm (in which case with luck we can communicate with it in-vm without tcp) or a remote name server. We were starting a name server in vm mostly because it's simpler to administer. Theoretically we could start an app client where all it did was run the name server :-).

For GERONIMO-2002, I create a new SSLConfig GBean. This class has a reference to a KeystoreManager GBean, plus various attributes that are required to generate SSLSocketFactory and SSLServerSocketFactory instances for creating the SSL sockets. The CORBABean and CSSBean objects can be configured with an SSLConfig reference, which is then used whenever an SSL connection is required. This is separate from the TSSConfig/CSSConfig specifications. TSSConfig/CSSConfig help determine WHEN an SSL connection is required. The SSLConfig determines HOW the connection gets created when it is required. ISSUE #2: This works fairly well for the j2ee-corba plan, which imports the j2ee-security plan. The j2ee-security plan defines the default KeystoreManager instances, so things get resolved properly.

On the client side, the client-corba plan does not import j2ee-security, so I didn't have a configured KeystoreManager to work with. It did not seem appropriate to import the j2ee-security plan, since there were items here that did not apply well to a client configuration. As a shortcut, I just copied the KeystoreManager definitions into the client plan, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable that this will define/locate the KeystoreManagers properly. Does anybody with more experience with the security support have suggestions for how this should be handled?

I think you should put the KeystoreManager gbean into the client-security plan. You will definitely break things if you try to start any server configuration such as j2ee-security in the client.

This is excellent!

And, finally, GERONIMO-2180. This code was rather straightfoward once I'd completed the above items. I just created an org.openejb.corba.yoko package, added a ConfigAdapter implementation, plus whatever ORB-specific classes were required to bridge between the ORB and Geronimo. Not really a lot of code in this package. BUT....

ISSUE #3: In order for the Yoko ORB to function properly, the Yoko jar files need to be part of the endorsed.dir configuration or included on the bootstrap classpath. This makes it very difficult for the Yoko and the Sun code to coexist in the same build tree. The code will compile ok, but unit tests are a problem. There are a couple of tests that caused problems. The SunNameService class had a test which I replicated for the Yoko NameService. If the build was enabled for the Sun ORB, the Yoko test would cause a build failure. If enabled for the Yoko ORB, the Sun test would fail. When I made the changes to have a generic NameService GBean, both of these tests became obsolete, so they are deleted for now. Once we sort out the coexistance strategy, I'll try introducing new tests. There was a similar problem with one of the TSSConfigEditorTest, which needed to create an configure a CORBABean instance.

On the Geronimo side, there are similar problems. Building any of the corba configurations depended upon whether the yoko classes were in endorsed.dir. If there were absent, it was not possible to build a yoko-based configuration. If present, it was not possible to build the Sun-based configuration. There was some suggestion that we might need to ship additional full assemblies to accommodate this.

I think we should consider setting up a parallel universe of yoko assemblies with additional configs modules as needed and find out how much work we have to convince the interop tck tests to pass. At that point we will have a better idea what to do next.

For the openejb2 code tree, I see several possibilities:

1) Leave the Sun ORB code in the tree, make the yoko package a separate module that with a dependency on the openejb2 code. The existing build works ok, and the tests can be built for the Sun ORB. The build of the yoko package could then have its own versions of the tests, which would work find. 2) Replace the Sun ORB code with the yoko code and kick the Sun code into a separate module. Same things apply with the test. 3) Place both ORB adapters in outside modules, each with their own builds and tests.

I vote for (3). I've wished the corba code was in 2 additional modules (runtime and builder) for a really long time.

Possibility 1) Has one serious disadvantage as it leaves the openejb2 code tree coupled to the Sun 1.4.2 JVM. Either 2 or 3 will remove that particular Java 1.4.2 dependency. Does anybody have and strong feelings about this?

ISSUE #4 is then how do we manage the possibility of both the Sun ORB support and the Yoko support? Will this actually require separate assemblies to work, or is there some means to easily allow the switching?

I suspect we should be able to set it up so that the openejb configs don't depend on the corba configs/jars so we might be able to put in the corba support as plugins or have several assemblies.

After we get yoko working does anyone think we need to preserve sun orb support?

Anyway, a lot of words to digest. Issues #3 and #4 are the ones that are going to cause the most pain to implement, so I'm really interested in getting community consensus on how to proceed here.

This is exciting!

david jencks


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