Hi Vamsi,
great, I saw the updates to the JIRA and yes, I was having some issues building 
from trunk. I'm about to give it a shot again, I think it works now.
Nice work ;-) !


Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
Hi Hernan,

I have uploaded CA portlet and helper application patch to JIRA. With what the portlet and the helper application provides, you should be able to submit a certificate request from web browser that supports KEYGEN tag (IE doesn't) and install the issued certificate back into the web browser . I have also provided a patch that can be used with 1.1.x codebase. Incase you are blocked by build problems on trunk you may try using this patch on branches\1.1 .


On 10/10/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Absolutely, my bad. I guess I'll have a better idea how it is
    integrated once I try the patch.


    Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
     > That should go as part of Keystore portlet (may be), but not CA
     > Vamsi
     > On 10/10/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
     >     Thanks for the details Vamsi.
     >     Not that it will be used a lot (a migration scenario) but do you
     >     have any plans for exporting a whole keystore (and then
    choose the
     >     type) feature?
     >     Cheers!
     >     Hernan
     >     Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
     >      > Hernan,
     >      >
     >      > In the "Issue New Certificate" function, there is no
    selection of
     >     JKS or
     >      > p12.  The CA will only be generating a certificate and the
     >     certificate
     >      > is usually provided in a base64 encoded text.  Once the
     >      > receives this text file, he/she will need to import this
     >      > into a keystore or browser where ever the private key is
     >      >
     >      > Regarding search, search based on more criteria is
    needed.  I am
     >      > evolving this as I am going about develpoing the CA.  The
     >      > search (and only search as of now) is based on serial
    number as the
     >      > certificates are now stored as <serial-number>.txt.  To
    support other
     >      > criteria (in an efficient way) the certificates may need to be
     >     stored
     >      > differently.
     >      >
     >      > N2:  A PKCS10 requests will have the name information and
     >      > combined into a sequence and signed using the
    private-key.  This is
     >      > usually generated by tools like keytool.  Some browsers
    support a
     >     KEYGEN
     >      > tag which will make the browser generate a keypair,
    combine the
     >      > public-key along with a "challenge" phrase, sign the same
    (known as
     >      > SignedPublicKeyChallenge) and send it to the server when
    the form is
     >      > submitted.  CA should be able to handle both the formats
    for the
     >      > requests (and any other commonly used formats, like
     >      > certificate).
     >      >
     >      > Once the CA is setup, CA will need an interface (I call
    this "CA
     >     Helper
     >      > App" as of now) using which certificates can be requested and
     >     downloaded
     >      > etc.  I am in the process of developing a sample
    application.  For a
     >      > certificate request received, processed and user downloads
     >     certificate,
     >      > a typical workflow would be.
     >      >
     >      > Step 1:  A user submits a certificate request by accessing
    a "Request
     >      > Certificate" page in the application through the web
    browser.  What
     >      > happens at this step is that the browser generates a
    keypair, and
     >     sends
     >      > tha public key (packaged as a SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge)
    and name
     >      > information to the application.  Application saves this
     >     information in a
     >      > "CertificateRequestStore" and provides an request-id to
    the user.
     >      >
     >      > Step 2:  CA accesses all these requests in the
     >     "CertificateRequestStore"
     >      > in a screen in the CA portlet under "List Requests waiting
     >     verification"
     >      > and approves or rejects the requests.  In a real-world
     >     CA will
     >      > have to verify the details provided by the requestor
    etc.  Once
     >      > approved, the request will showup in "List Requests ready
    to be
     >     fulfilled".
     >      >
     >      > Step 3: CA accesses the requests ready to be fulfilled and
     >     processes the
     >      > request by issuing a certificate.  This certificate is
    stored in the
     >      > "Certificate Store" and the fufilled request is removed
    from the
     >      > "Certificate Request Store".
     >      >
     >      > Step 4: User will visit a "Download Certificate" page in
    the "CA
     >     Helper
     >      > App", provides the request-id given to him (in Step 1) and
     >      > his/her certificate.  The "CA Helper App" will upload the
     >     ceritificate
     >      > to the user's web browser with appropriate
    mime-header.  The browser
     >      > will store the certificate along with the private key and the
     >      > certificate is ready for use.
     >      >
     >      > I have implemented most of it and am testing the code.  I am
     >     still using
     >      > 1.1.1 code base for development since trunk is unstable
    and I do not
     >      > want to be blocked by build failures.  Once I complete the
    testing I
     >      > will test the code by integrating it into trunk, create a
    patch and
     >      > submit to JIRA.  It will be a couple of days more before
    the new
     >     patch
     >      > will showup in the JIRA.
     >      >
     >      > Thanks,
     >      > Vamsi
     >      > On 10/10/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
     >      > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>> wrote:
     >      >
     >      >     Hi Vamsi,
     >      >     I still have not had the chance to check the patch
     >     (GERONIMO-2413)
     >      >     but I do have a few questions form your first note.
     >      >
     >      >     4. can you select JKS or p12 in this step? I'm
    thinking in client
     >      >     certificates -> HTTPS with Client Authentication scenario
     >      >
     >      >     5. in addition on entering the serial #, any chance to
    list the
     >      >     existing certificates in the CertificateStore? maybe
    CN + Alias
     >      >
     >      >     N1. does that mean that the CSR will be provided as a text
     >     file (on
     >      >     a specific location) and the portlet will pick them up
    and list
     >      >     them? if so, that would be great and a similar structure
     >     should be
     >      >     in place for already signed certificates.
     >      >
     >      >     N2. could you expand?
     >      >
     >      >     As for IE, I can't find a nice way to say what I think
     >     IE and
     >      >     VBScripts. All I can say is that probaly 80% or more (
    just a
     >     wild
     >      >     guess ) of the users are using IE. Using another
    browser to
     >      >     create/retrieve/export the certificate and then import it
     >     into IE
     >      >     does not look like a healthy workaround. Can we add
     >     else
     >      >     on the server side to "fill-in-the-blanks" from IE?
     >      >
     >      >     Cheers!
     >      >     Hernan
     >      >
     >      >     Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
     >      >      > Hi All,
     >      >      >
     >      >      > I have not seen any replies to my last post :(
     >      >      >
     >      >      > I have identified a few more function
    required.  These are
     >     for the
     >      >      > work-flow a CA might want to follow:
     >      >      >   1. List Requests:  There should be two pages
    instead of one.
     >      >      >         A)  Listing of requests that are received
    and need
     >     to be
     >      >      > verified (once verified, the request will reach a
    second list)
     >      >      >         B)  Listing of requests that are verified and
     >     ready to be
     >      >     fulfilled.
     >      >      >   2. Logging:  CA should have a separate log of
     >     received,
     >      >      > verified, fulfilled, certificates revoked etc.
     >      >      >
     >      >      > Comments?  Suggestions?  Pointers?
     >      >      >
     >      >      > Thanks,
     >      >      > Vamsi
     >      >      > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
     >      >      > From: *Vamsavardhana Reddy* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
     >      >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>
     >      >      > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
     >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>>>
     >      >      > Date: Oct 6, 2006 11:59 AM
     >      >      > Subject: Certification Authority (CA) portlet
     >      >      > To: dev@geronimo.apache.org
     >     <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org
    <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org>> <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org
     >     <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org
     >      >     <mailto: dev@geronimo.apache.org
     >     <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org
    <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org>> <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org
     >     <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org
     >      >      >
     >      >      > Hi All,
     >      >      >
     >      >      > I have uploaded a minimal version of Certification
     >     Authority (CA)
     >      >      > portlet to the JIRA.  See
     >      >      > http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2413
    .  The JIRA
     >      >     also has
     >      >      > some screenshots.  I do not know if anyone has got a
     >     chance to
     >      >     try out
     >      >      > the portlet.  Here is an overview of this portlet's
     >      >      >
     >      >      > 1.  Setup Certification Authority:  The "CA home" page
     >     checks if
     >      >     the CA
     >      >      > has already been initialized.  If not, it will provide
     >     access to only
     >      >      > this function viz. " Setup Certification
    Authority".  This
     >     function
     >      >      > enables the user to provide details of CA's identity,
     >     algorithm
     >      >      > parameters for CA's keypair & signature algorithm,
    a serial
     >      >     number for
     >      >      > CA's self-signed certificate, validity period for CA's
     >     keypair and a
     >      >      > password to protect CA's privatekey.  Once the
    details are
     >      >     submitted, a
     >      >      > keypair and self-signed certificate are generated and
     >     stored in
     >      >      > "ca-keystore".  CA portlet uses KeyStoreGBean to manage
     >     its own
     >      >     keypair
     >      >      > and certificate.
     >      >      >
     >      >      > 2. Lock and Unlock CA:  Once the CA is setup, upon
    a fresh
     >     login to
     >      >      > Geronimo Console, users will notice that the CA is in
     >     locked state.
     >      >      > "Unlock CA" function lets the user unlock the CA by
     >     providing CA's
     >      >      > privatekey password (provided at the time of CA
    setup).  Once
     >      >     unlocked,
     >      >      > the user will have access to the CA
    functions.  "Lock CA"
     >      >     function locks
     >      >      > the CA.
     >      >      >
     >      >      > 3. View CA Details:  This function enables the user
    to see the
     >      >     details
     >      >      > of CA' certificate and the highest serial number
    used to
     >     by the CA.
     >      >      > Base 64 encoded certificate text on this screen can be
     >      >     copy+pasted into
     >      >      > a text file and sent to the requestor to designate
    this CA as
     >      >     trusted CA
     >      >      > in their software.
     >      >      > (Note: CA stores the serial number used at the time of
     >     setup and
     >      >      > increments it each time a certificate is to be issued.)
     >      >      >
     >      >      > 4. Issue New Certificate:  This functions lets the CA
     >     issue a new
     >      >      > certificate by processing the Certificate Signing
     >      >     (CSR)  text.
     >      >      > Upon pasting the CSR text into a textarea and
    submitting, a
     >      >     screen will
     >      >      > show the requestor name and public key details from the
     >     CSR and
     >      >     lets the
     >      >      > user enter validity period and select the signature
     >      >     algorithm.  The next
     >      >      > screen will show all details and ask for
    confirmation.  Once
     >      >     confirmed,
     >      >      > a certificate is issued and stored in a
     >     "CertificateStore".  The
     >      >     screen
     >      >      > will show the details of the certificate
    issued.  Base 64
     >     encoded
     >      >      > certificate text on this screen can be copy+pasted
    into a
     >     text
     >      >     file and
     >      >      > sent back to the requestor.
     >      >      >
     >      >      > 5. View Issued Certificate: This function lets the
    user view a
     >      >      > previously issued certificate by providing the
     >     serial
     >      >     number.
     >      >      >
     >      >      > More work on the way:
     >      >      > After posting the patch to JIRA, I have found the
     >     necessity for a few
     >      >      > other functions:
     >      >      > N1.  List Requests:  This function will list all the
     >     certificate
     >      >      > requests that are waiting to be fulfilled and provide a
     >     link on each
     >      >      > request-id so that the user can click on the links
    (instead of
     >      >     entering
     >      >      > the csr text in a textarea) and proceed directly to
     >      >     certificate
     >      >      > validity details etc.
     >      >      > N2.  Process a certificate request based on (Name
    Attributes +
     >      >      > SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge):  Users requesting a
     >      >     through
     >      >      > web browsers may not be able to submit a PKCS10
     >     Certificate Request.
     >      >      > Netscape, Firefox (and other browsers??) support a
    KEYGEN form
     >      >     tag that
     >      >      > will let the browser, upon form submission,
    generate a key
     >     pair,
     >      >     combine
     >      >      > the PublicKey & a Challenge string and sign (this
    is the
     >      >      > SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge), encode this
    information in
     >     base64
     >      >     and send
     >      >      > it along with other form fields.  In this case, name
     >     attributes
     >      >     are not
     >      >      > part of a "signed" request and need to be collected
     >     separately.
     >      >      > N3. CA helper application:  This application will
    be the
     >      >     interface for
     >      >      > users using their web browsers to request a certificate
     >     from the CA.
     >      >      > This application will have
     >      >      >   a) A page with KEYGEN tag to receive
     >      >     SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge along
     >      >      > with name attribute values from the requestor.
     >      >      >   b) A link using which the users can download and
     >     CA's
     >      >      > certificate into their browsers as a trusted
     >      >      >   c) A page from which the users can download and
    install the
     >      >      > certificate issued to them by the CA.
     >      >      > This application can store the requests so that the CA
     >     portlet can
     >      >      > pickup these and show in "List Requests" page.
     >      >      >
     >      >      > To be explored:
     >      >      > How to do this KEYGEN equivalent through Internet
    Explorer?  I
     >      >     know that
     >      >      > it requires some VBScript to generate a (PKCS10?)
     >      >     request
     >      >      > through Internet Explorer.  I have done this way
    back in
     >     1998 and
     >      >     don't
     >      >      > remember any details now :o(
     >      >      > A work around would be to make the users use a browser
     >     supporting
     >      >     KEYGEN
     >      >      > tag to request and download their certificate.  The
     >     certificate and
     >      >      > privatekey can then be exported and imported into
    IE.  (I
     >     don't like
     >      >      > this work around.  Or should this be the only option we
     >     provide??)
     >      >      >
     >      >      > For later:
     >      >      > CRLs etc.
     >      >      >
     >      >      > Any suggestions, comments?  Anything I am
    missing?  Am I
     >     heading
     >      >     in the
     >      >      > correct direction?
     >      >      >
     >      >      > Thanks,
     >      >      > Vamsi
     >      >      >
     >      >      >
     >      >
     >      >

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