Matt Hogstrom wrote:

*** New swill ***

Welcome to the Apache Geronimo Project!

Our goal is to produce a server runtime framework that pulls together the best Open Source alternatives to create runtimes that meet the needs of developers and system administrators. Our most prominent runtime is a fully compliant J2EE container based on J2EE 1.4. We are working on our next version of the server which is based on JEE 1.5. Some of our guiding principles are:

- Build servers that are distributed under the Apache Software License.
- Provide runtimes that meet the needs of developers, administrators and system integrators.
- Integrate with the best open source tooling available like Eclipse.
- Provide frequent releases of our software so users can experience the newest features and have access to the latest bug fixes. - Build a community that incorporates multiple disciplines required to create complex runtime and toolable infrastructure.

I think this is much better.

I agree with Jeff that we should use JEE 5.

I would also start a new paragraph with the "Our most prominent runtime .... " item. This is what most of our users care about for the time being and I think we want to make sure it is prominent.


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