I think we have a major problem with out pseudo Maven2 repository impl wrt how SNAPSHOT artifacts are handled.

The real m2 repo code when asked for a SNAPSHOT will consult a list of remote repos, and if matched will download a time-stamped artifact which will resolve to the SNAPSHOT version by metadata. Out pseudo m2 repo code knows nothing about time-stamped artifacts and thus can not resolve an artifact that is not named artifactId-n-SNAPHOT.ext, even though m2 can.

This is a major problem when packaging cars, as the m2 build will download and resolve SNAPSHOT artifacts, but G will not since it can not find the time-stamped versions that resolve to the artifactId-n- SNAPHOT.ext which was asked for.

I did some experiments to make a thin adapter for the car:package goal to delegate to the real m2 repo API, so that it can find time- stamped SNAPSHOT artifacts, but I still end up with exceptions while packaging due to our repo API not resolving properly. I suspect that our artifact resolver code needs to be changed to make this work, but have yet to test/validate that it works.

It also looks like our repo API, or its usage is terribly inefficient, as I see that artifacts are asked for over and over and over... which causes a ton of redundant artifact resolutions... which is why when building a car you see a ton of pom related failures over and over and over for the same artifact.

All and all this causing major discontinuity between m2 and G repos when SNAPSHOT artifacts are used... which is causing severe build complications.

And in short... I have no idea how to fix this. Seems like we should probably reuse the maven repo code... but our repo code is doing some mysterious things that do no map well the the maven code... like looking in parent configs and such.... and all that explicit resolution mucky muck.

Erg... but then again the maven API is not really sock solid either. I have found that if you create an artifact with artifactId-n- SNAPHOT.ext and then resolve it, the resulting artifact's file is groupId/artifactId/n-timestamp/artifactId-n-timestamp.ext instead of what I had hoped groupId/artifactId/n-SNAPSHOT/artifactId-n- timestamp.ext, but ArtifactRepository.pathOf(artifact) returns groupId/artifactId/n-SNAPSHOT/artifactId-n-SNAPSHOT.ext and so with the combonation of the two we can resolve the actual file.

I dunno... this is all pissing me off way to much....


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