It appears that sandbox/javaee5 is the location that we should be using to integrate various EE 5 items until 1.2 is released. Therefore, I thought I would post some information that I've learned (and problems that I've encountered) here since I supposed others are or soon will be doing the same thing. Perhaps somebody has some information that might help get around some of problems listed below (such as when Jetty snapshots might be published?).

First, this is a feature branch. To use it you must first build trunk to populate your local repository. Next you must checkout and build it.

However, in doing the last step you'll hit some problems:
- The Jetty 6.1 snapshots are not published anywhere yet (at least not anywhere I've been able to find them). Therefore, you will need to build Jetty 6.1 locally. Can somebody related to both Geronimo and Jetty help us to get the Jetty 6.1 snapshots published?
Building Jetty:
- You can check out Jetty from Jetty requires cvs to build (in case you don't already have it). For me the build failed because of test failures but it appeared to create the jetty jars that we need.

After building Jetty you should be ready to build the javaee5 branch. Of course, this build requires JDK 1.5

- Next I hit a problem building javaee5. Apparently there have been some changes in Jetty since the original integration in the branch. It appears that the Jetty Session object may have changed. Here is the error I received:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Compilation failure

C:\javaee5\modules-jee5\geronimo-jetty6\src\main\java\org\apache\geronimo\jetty6\cluster\[94,12] cannot find symbol
symbol  : constructor Session(<nulltype>,java.lang.String)
location: class org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.AbstractSessionManager.Session

I then spoke with David Jencks and he told me the revision of Jetty that he used when he first created the branch. That was revision 1064. So, I checked out this Jetty revision but with this one the build fails earlier with this error .... 2006-11-02 11:48:40.687::WARN: failed [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cannot write log directory C:\tmp
at org.mortbay.util.RolloverFileOutputStream.setFile( at org.mortbay.util.RolloverFileOutputStream.<init>( at org.mortbay.jetty.NCSARequestLog.doStart( at org.mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start( at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.RequestLogHandler.doStart(

I'll let you know as I resolve these issues in case you too need to work on the JavaEE5 branch.


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