In order to clear things up a bit I made the following changes (this was the result of a conversation with David J on IRC earlier today and Chris).  I have copied trunk before the JPA changes into daytrader/branches/1.2 and we'll leave the 1.x stream as J2EE 1.4 and enhancements.  

1.2 will include the new Dojo look and feel as well as the SLSB mode and Piyush's changes to create the databases.  I'd like to fix the market summary queries also as they're killing me in that they're so heavy.  These changes will go into trunk as well.

trunk will become 2.0-SNAPSHOT and will become the Java EE 5.0 release.  I think starting with 2.0 we'll layer in JPA and it will become a Java 1.5 build as well and may not work on earlier Java Versions.  I would also like to incorporate some caching features so we can characterize G-Cache functionality as well.

I'm planning on proposing a release of DayTrader 1.1.1 this week that has improved documentation, plans, and a few bug fixes.

Other ideas?

On Oct 31, 2006, at 11:19 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

On Oct 30, 2006, at 6:09 PM, Christopher Blythe wrote:


Read through your notes late last week concerning the JPA mode additions and figured I would add my comments here. We definitely need to add support for JPA and EJB 3.0 into Daytrader; however, we also need to maintain the existing JDBC and EJB 2.1 operating modes in some way shape of form for functional/performance regression testing purposes.

What I would really like to see are continued enhancements to clean-up Daytrader in it's existing form in the 1.2.X release stream. This would include things like the SSB to JDBC mode that I submitted in DAYTRADER-15, the Dojo interface in DAYTRADER-17, etc. This would leave Daytrader 1.2.X as an excellent testcase for J2EE 1.4 functionality.

Matt Hogstrom

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