Hi Hernan,

Actually here I am missed something here. So first of all apologies for that. Regarding this issue I have contacted somebody who knows open source than me. He explained me that I can edit this source code without any issue, since you have granted me that ability as the author. In that case Kevin's argument is more of theoretical than practical one. Am I correct?

If you need I can go ahead with the editing for you :-) . Sorry for dragging this issue so much.

Now I am learning about open source licenses. ;-)

Lasantha Ranaweera

Hernan Cunico wrote:
As I said, I worked with other folks on those samples and I submitted the patch into JIRA granting ASL, that's why I asked you if you could fix the headers in the docs you were updating. I wasn't asking for anything weird as you suggested in a previous email, but you're right, I should probably go fix all those src myself.

I will work on a doc about granting license to ASF for all the docs and attachments and put a link on Geronimo's cwiki homepage. The license issue does not apply only to the samples but to the doc and images altogether.


If those sample are added with JIRA then it won't be that much of big
problem because contributor knows it goes under ASL. I thought it might
have added as the current way of confluence itself. Even though it might
not add the license information to the source code I think it is very
important to let the contributor know that they are donating their
materials under ASL. JIRA handles that issue atleast ;).

Lasantha Ranaweera

I either wrote or co-authored all those docs and the headers in question
skipped my attention at that time.
I know for sure they were not there in the first releases of those samples as we were developing them. Apparently those headers were added at a later

Either way those samples as well as the entire documentation were made
available in JIRA GERONIMO-1357 granting ASL to all the content. But
clicking the ASL check box in JIRA does not add any license info to the
attached files.

As for Confluence itself, in the autoexported version you can read at the
bottom of each page "Copyright © 2003-2006, The Apache Software
Foundation". Maybe this is not enough.

Confluence is just a wiki and there is no way (without major surgery) to
modify the "attachments" page so we can click an ASL check box. Even if
there is one there would be no chance to add any ASL related info to the
actual files.

I don't know what the solution would be so I'm open to suggestions.


Hi Hernan,

I can't add those modifications to the samples with propriety licenses,
you know it is not illegal and ethical :(. Sure I can add this Apache
licence to the samples I had written.

Also one more question. Can I add this license to other existing
Somewhere I heard we can't change the distributed license to any other
license. Confluence is bit different than JIRA, nobody accepts ASF
licences before their commiting. I haven't come across this situation at
all. Please help.

Lasantha Ranaweera

those samples were donated to the project ergo they should only display
ASF2 license.

This is the text we have in trunk today

    Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

Could you please remove the unnecessary (old) data and comments and add the appropriate lines to each of the files for all the samples you are

http://www.apache.org/licenses may give you some additional tips.

Thanks for taking care of this.


Lasantha Ranaweera wrote:
Sorry to send it again. This is an important issue. Have a look at the attached file. I have stuck here whether to reuse this sample or not.

Lasantha Ranaweera wrote:
Hi All,

Past few days I have been upgrading JBoss to Apache Geronimo samples
from v1.0 of the documentation to v1.1. As part of the upgrade
procedure, when I was looking at one of the samples I found something
that grabbed my attention in  the existing JBoss to Geronimo sample
applications. Have a look at "JBoss to Geronimo - Security Migration"
in following  url:

Source code of this sample contains some proprietary license. So we
can't do any editing this sample. Isn't it?

I'm quite new to the open source model, and AFAIK it should come with
ASF license. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Lasantha Ranaweera


 *   File: BusinessLogicEJB.java
 *   Date         Version   Author               Changes
 *   Oct.05,2005  1.1       Ivan Dubrov             Created
 *   Copyright (c) 2005, IBM Corporation
 *   All rights reserved.

package com.ibm.j2g.security;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;

 * Business logic stateless bean.
 * @ejb.bean name="BusinessLogic" display-name="BusinessLogic bean"
 *           jndi-name="ejb/BusinessLogic" type="Stateless"
public class BusinessLogicEJB implements SessionBean {

    /** Serial version uid. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4688250533090120601L;

     * @ejb.interface-method
     * @ejb.permission role-name = "uploader"
     * @return result message
    public String upload() {
        return "File successfully uploaded";

     * @see
    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) throws
            RemoteException {
        // Nothing...

     * Create method.
     * @ejb.create-method
     * @ejb.permission unchecked="true"
     * @throws EJBException
     * @throws RemoteException
    public void ejbCreate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
        // Nothing...

     * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbRemove()
    public void ejbRemove() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
        // Nothing...

     * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbActivate()
    public void ejbActivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
        // Nothing...


     * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbPassivate()
public void ejbPassivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
        // Nothing...

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