Hi Endre,

Thanks for the feedback but I don't agree that this issue should hold
up the release.  I'm sure we can fix this in a subsequent bug fix

BTW, if you submit a patch with the fix for this it would make getting
the fix into the next release much easier :)


On 11/14/06, Endre Stølsvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hiram Chirino wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I was able to finally get around to doing a binary release candidate
> from the 4.1 branch.
> it's available here:
> Maven 1 and Maven 2 repos for this release can be found at:
> http://people.apache.org/~chirino/incubator-activemq-4.1.0-RC2
> Here's the wiki page for the release notes:
> http://incubator.apache.org/activemq/activemq-410-release.html
> Please vote to approve this release binary
> [ ] +1 Release the binary as Apache ActiveMQ  4.1.0
> [ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)
> This vote is being cross posted to the general incubator mailing list
> also to expedite the voting process.

Here's my useless -1:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/temp/apache-activemq-4.1.0-incubator/temp/META-INF$ cat


Two things:
   a) where is the xsd supposed to lay? (The _proper_ URL? Not this one
mentioned on this page:


   b) The idea behind "spring.schemas" is, AFAIK, that the spring-magic
should kick in, and instead of going online to fetch the xsd, it will
find it in the classpath. Given that the "file:/Users/chirino/blahblah"
most definately isn't present on my machine, this will, AFAIK, result in
every startup of ActiveMQ with spring-xbeans integration online access
(which probably explains why all elements of the namespace-loading goes
lightning, except from the activeMQ one, which stalls for some seconds).

In comparison, here's the spring.schemas for spring-2.0.jar actually
bundled with this ActiveMQ 4.1.0 RC2:

cat spring.schemas


Note two things: the http-URL mentioned actually return the file, but in
addition, the resource specified is a classpath-resource, which exists:

ls -la spring-*
-rw-r--r-- 1 endre endre 23940 2006-09-13 23:57 spring-beans-2.0.dtd
-rw-r--r-- 1 endre endre 39944 2006-09-13 23:57 spring-beans-2.0.xsd
-rw-r--r-- 1 endre endre 21767 2006-08-19 19:00 spring-beans.dtd
-rw-r--r-- 1 endre endre  1999 2006-09-09 23:53 spring-tool-2.0.xsd
-rw-r--r-- 1 endre endre  5132 2006-09-09 23:53 spring-util-2.0.xsd

This is bug AMQ-1016:

I think this should be fixed before 4.1.0 is released.

Kind regards,


Blog: http://hiramchirino.com

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