Here's some more documentation together with a little  picture of the
Command Agent in action using a Jabber client...

On 11/15/06, James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've added a <commandAgent/> to the broker's activemq.xml which allows
you to communicate with a broker over a JMS topic (ActiveMQ.Agent) to
send management commands using a simple text based system.

Its currently reusing the commands in the activemq-console module.
(Incidentally I added a SimpleConsole so you can boot up a simple
interactive shell in your IDE easily and communicate with a remote
broker to try out the commands). So you can type commands like 'help',
'list', 'browse' etc.

This allows folks to send messages on this topic and if the JMSReplyTo
is specified, a message is returned with the results.

I've patched the xmpp transport so that you can now use a jabber
client to talk to the broker :). Just join the room ActiveMQ.Agent and
chat away!

To get XMPP to work nicely I create a temporary queue and subscription
to that queue which can then be used for any inbound messages. It
might be nice to do this for Stomp too - though I guess a stomp client
could create a temporary topic & subscribe to it itself.

Though it would be kinda nice to not have to do that.

e.g. in Stomp we could do...



and immediately get the list of commands.





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