While ripping out drywall this weekend I was thinking about our Geronimo 2.0 and all the work that needs to get done to complete this monsterous effort. While sifting through the scorecard and thinking about all the different things that need to be addressed it became a bit overwhelming. As everyone knows many different projects are working on their implementations of Java EE 5.0. Some are available and others are works in progress (as is ours). It seems that from user perspective people are really interested in the Java EE and have been asking for several months about where we are. At this point it would be nice to give them an idea of what we're thinking about.

I had previously put out a set of milestones and dates. I wanted to make it a little more formal and of course with all the caveats that this is open source and our timetables are subject to people's time and contribution.

With that, here is an updated timeline and some graphic representations that represent the Java EE specifications that need to be completed from a high level.

I think it was Dain that used the term table stakes when referring to the specification. Meaning that we need the spec related functionality to get in the game but innovations beyond the specification were necessary to make a bigger splash. I don't capture those here but I'll work on pulling that together as well.

Take a look at http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/Geronimo2.0/ and provide your thoughts on how were doing.

If we are going to make a Dec 22 Beta 1 then we would have to cut sometime in the next week and a half.

What do y'all think?

Matt Hogstrom

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