I'm in favor of a single version for all specs.  Versioning the specs
individually has some advantages but makes the release manager's job
more difficult since the tooling doesn't readily support that
approach.  And as a developer (at least for me) a single version is
more intuitive, evidenced by my recent snafu where I created the
initial version of jsp 2.1 spec at 1.1-SNAPSHOT.  Thankfully Jason
keeps a very close eye on things and suggested using 1.0-SNAPSHOT

I also believe having the specs all at a single release is consistent
with the approach we use in server/trunk, where the artifacts share
the same geronimo version and when necessary a version number can be
included in the artifactId.   Consistency has its benefits.

Best wishes,

On 12/11/06, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The versioning policy for our geronimo specs has been floating around
for a while now. I'd like to see this issue resolved.

There have been two approaches discussed

1) Single version -- all specs are released under the same version
2) Separate version -- each spec is versioned separately from the
other specs.

Dain created a review of the two proposals in the wiki -- http://
cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxDEV/Spec+Versioning I think
you can quibble over a few of the details, but it does a good job at
summarizing the issue.

IMO, there are going to be drawbacks no matter which approach we
take. However, I'm going to be happy with either approach as long as
we reach a *decision*. I'd prefer that we reach consensus on this
discussion thread. However, if necessary, we can vote on the issue.

Personally, I think we should use a single version for releasing our
specs. I think this makes it easier for us as developers in managing
spec releases. I think users will find it easier to collect a
consistent set of specifications. I think these benefits outweigh
concerns over the lack of flexibility and the wasteful aspects of re-
releasing unchanged specifications.

I suppose there's a hybrid option where we release separate versions,
now, and move to a single version policy (2.0?) for our next release.


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