On Dec 11, 2006, at 1:13 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

IMHO I like option 3 which is both option 1 and 2. First, I think all SPECs should be versioned independently as not everyone is interested in all the specs. If, for instance, the Tomcat dudes decide to pick up anything we have they would only be interested in a subset and shouldn't be forced to consume the whole Java EE banana.

So, in that light I think they should all be versioned separately. We should probably have a separate uber spec project that pulls in a set of versioned specs and releases them as a set so that people that want the whole enchilada can get them. The uber approach would only be compiling a set of released specs (which were released separately.

That sounds interesting, but I think we should wait until someone asks for that feature. I personally have found that in most cases you end up using only a couple of specs at a time. If someone has a good use case for an uber bundle, then we pull it together uber jar (or uber pom for maven users).


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