On Dec 20, 2006, at 10:29 AM, Paul ANDERSON wrote:

Bumping up MaxPermSize works great on 1.5.
If Geronimo 1.1.1 is then stable for hot portlet deployment on LR4.2, we'll be able to use it.
Thanks all round for the quick responses.

Hi Paul,
That's good news.

FYI -- there have been some Classloader memory leak problems on Java 5. However, they seem to be fixed on recent Java 5 runtimes

I ran some tests on Geronimo 1.1.1 running on a Linux box with java version "1.5.0_10-b02". Things look good, there.

I do see Classloader memory leaks running the same Geronimo binaries on my Mac (java full version 1.5.0_06-64). The same G 1.1.1 binaries work fine on Linux and they don't have any problem when run on my Mac using java full version 1.4.2_09-239. So once Apple brings Java 5 up to date on Mac OS X, I'm hopeful that these problems will be resolved. I didn't see any obvious work-arounds from Sun's bug reports...


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