On Dec 31, 2006, at 10:55 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

On Dec 31, 2006, at 10:54 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Dec 30, 2006, at 1:51 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

David is out of town but I think I can answer.... The previous release was only a milestone. These are final 1.0 jars that have been verified using the JEE 5 signature tests. If you want to know what has changed just run svn diff:

Right, but I didn't ask a question. I stated that we ought to be identifying this information in the vote (or a previous discussion thread). All it takes is -- "Testing of the EJB3 spec has identified signature problems in the existing 1.0-M1 release of the spec. I've fixed these problems and updated the version numbers of the specs that EJB3 is dependent on. I propose we release a final 1.0 version of EJB3." This way all voters (and non- voters) understand.

I agree that the person proposing the vote should provide some information about what the changes are. It seems a little unreasonable to rely on an svn diff to document the changes.

I don't think we ever done that before because because up til now everyone has just known what's changed. For this spec he did say "Fixed, verified to be compliant and ready for release." which based on the diff sadly does describe what has changed for this release :) Anyway, if this is another requirement for a Geronimo release, I'm sure David will add it to the remaining specs he is releasing.

BTW, David was out of town for the holiday weekend and I think he will be back tomorrow of the next day.

Happy New Year,


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