Here is the current Board report off the top of my head. Please provide your input. I'll finalize this based on comments put on this thread at the end of Monday.


Geronimo Project - Board Report

Summary -
All in all it was fairly quiet at the end of the year. The project team has been focusing on two releases. 1.2-beta was released that includes integration of three projects from the incubator (OpenEJB, Yoko and OpenJPA). 2.0-M1 was released that includes many of the new Java EE 5.0 technologies. The project is working towards a goal of completing a certified server in time for Java One. 2.0-M1 also pulled in CXF from the Incubator.

Collaboration with several other projects in Apache is going on which includes Axis 2, OpenJPA, OpenEJB, CXF and Yoko. There has been some mention about OSGi which would include Felix but that work hasn't really taken off yet.

Here are the details.

- Releases
1.2-beta was released in December
2.0-M1 was released in December
2.0-M2 is targetted for release at the end of January of this year

- JUGs and Conferences

- Certifications
None at this time

- Subprojects

* DayTrader
Released a performance report on Geronimo in October. DayTrader was the benchmark sample used for comparisons. The report can be found at PerformanceReport.pdf

* DevTools

* XBean

* Specifications
Specifications were reorganized after several months of debate. Rather than having a single version for the specifications each one is packaged separately. Dain Sundstrom volunteered to help keep the releases and organization going.

* Other Work
WADI clustering has been moving forward
GCache has continued development but there has not been a lot of activity on the list.
New JMX console was added to Geronimo 1.2
JNDI / Classloader viewer was added by a new community member. Really neat stuff.

- Community
* New committers

* PMC additions

Matt Hogstrom

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