Spec versioning with the server would have been nice to help keep artifacts in sync with the version of the server they are meant to go with.

The new samples stuff is actually depending on versions of specs which are not the versions used by the server. Everytime we update a version of a spec in the server, we are gonna need to be sure to update all projects which are intended to work with that version of the server to get the correct versions too.



On Jan 19, 2007, at 1:53 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

Very nice...I like the idea of standalone samples. Without getting into the specs debate yet again ... but most likely will ... I like the samples released with the version of the server so people can pick up one version and know what its for. I think the organization for now is great as we can get the actual work done on the samples while we debate how to organize them for the next several months. Good job ! :)

On Jan 19, 2007, at 12:22 PM, Prasad Kashyap wrote:

Encouraged by your kind words of appreciation for the Testsuite
framework, I put together a similar Samples Framework.


UseCase Scenario 1
Actor: Geronimo user, JEE5 Developer.

* Actor wants to learn the new features of JEE5 by looking at sample code
  * He wants to play with sample code.
  * He wants to learn how to develop applications on Geronimo.
* He may want to use the sample code as a template for his own application.

Flow A (install downloaded sample binary)
  * Actor downloads a Geronimo server binary  and unpacks it.
  * He then downloads a sample binary.
  * He starts Geronimo server.
  * He then deploys the sample artifact into running server.
  * He goes to the sample app's home page (context-root).

Flow B: (build sample source and install)
  * Actor downloads a sample source package.
  * He installs Maven if he doesn't have it already.
  * He builds the sample project using maven.
  * Sample project automatically downloads the latest Geronimo
server, starts it, and deploys the newly built sample.
  * It fires up a browser and brings up the sample home page  (not
implemented yet).

See the following links in Firefox only !
Here is a page that gives a user instructions on working with samples. Every sample download will also have a customized & relevant page like
this, say as a README.html

Here is a sample sample page. Notice the javadoc and source tabs in
the top right corner of the page.

UseCase Scenario 2
Actor: Geronimo Developer, JEE5 Spec Implementor

Interactions: Document Writer.

  * Actor wants to create sample projects quickly without having to
deal too much with Maven.

  * Actor executes a sample-archetype-plugin.
  * It creates a mvn project which will act as a template.
  * He only has to write JEE5 code for the sample application.
  * He then works with Document Writer to write the sample document.


Matt Hogstrom

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