On 1/23/07, Rossmanith, Philipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Response between the lines...

> > 1.) States of MEs
> > ==================
<<<< snipped >>>>>>

Ok. The CAN_OWNER flags are maintained along with the states; in a given
state (which has been changed by accepting or sending an ME), it is or
is not enabled, hence allowing or disallowing a component to change the


Yes, though read methods are not checked and only some write methods are.
But as you said, the idea is that a component MUST not access the exchange
(but the status) unless it is the owner.

> > 2.) Duplicity of MessageExchange instances
> > ===========================================
> > What I didn't get is that from "JBI Components: Part 1 (Theory)" I
> concluded that all messages related to ONE interaction between a
> and a Provider go through the same MessageExchange
> instance/MessageInstanceImpl object. **)
> I don't think this is a requirement.  The data should be the same of
> course.
> Even for a component, the exchange is not always the same: for example
> when
> the exchange is serialized in the jms / jca flow.  Hence, when using
> sendSync, a
> hack is needed (in the delivery channel) to copy the data from the
> received response
> to the original object.
I see, the one via "exchangesById.put(exchangeKey, me)".

Yes, this map is used with the "original.copyFrom(me);" (line 548)
which copy the received exchange back to the original one.

> > However, in the code, it seems that the STATES_PROVIDER states are
> assigned to a _new_ instance - while copying the ExchangePacket and
> assigning the ME from which it was copied as mirror.
> >
> > Correct? Why?
> See above.

> > 3.) Documenting the above and SM JavaDoc
> > =========================================
> > Where in the SM pages/documentation would be the best place to
> contribute findings/investigations such as the above? Also, which one
> the official SM JavaDoc:
> or http://servicemix.goopen.org/maven/... or http://XXX/...?
> Maybe somewhere near http://servicemix.org/site/how-stuff-works.html
> If you have any idea to improve the organization of the docs, please
> up
> and speak ;-)
Sure, can do.

- A new "JBI in ServiceMix" page with the same structure as JBI, but
describing how SM implements it
(- Expanding the corresponding JavaDoc)

Please let me know which place you consider the most appropriate, and
I'll add our conversation there.

I find javadoc is a bit difficult to use when writing some general
purpose informations.
So i guess a new page is fine, but this is up to you.

If you want to edit the wiki, please send a CLA to the ASF (fax or mail),
sign in in confluence and i will grant you edit rights.

On a side note, I like the structure of the Cocoon documentation, where
general documentation is divided into a User and Developer part
depending on whether you want to only use the framework or want to code

> The javadocs for 3.0 release are deployed at
> http://incubator.apache.org/servicemix/dist/servicemix-3.0-
> incubating/site/
> I think the other ones should be removed, but there may be links
> pointing there ...
Ok. Thanks!

Ciao, Philipp

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Guillaume Nodet
Architect, LogicBlaze (http://www.logicblaze.com/)
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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