Hello All,

This is the same problem that has kept me from building trunk (on Linux) since last week.

I just realized that at about the same time - Eclipse started giving me validation errors (in building my web app) because it could not find:


For those that are able to build, do you have a cached version of this file?

Does not having this schema available seem like it might possibly be the cause of this problem?


Joe Bohn wrote:

Kevan Miller wrote:

On Jan 25, 2007, at 3:22 PM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I don't think cleaning xmlbeans in the repo will help. I tried multiple times with a clean repo and on windows I still hit this problem. I still suspect that there's something wrong with the container-3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.pom or it's mevan-metadata. See the other thread on this topic for info on that (but unfortunately still no resolution):


Hmm. I see that container-3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.pom has DOS eol characters. Could you try to converting the file and running a build offline? I took a quick look around and didn't see any other DOS-format poms. It's a total shot in the dark...


It was a good idea ... and I was initially hopeful. However, even with changing the poms (both the SNAPSHOT and the build # pom) to unix format on my windows machine I still had the same error when I attempted to build just modules/geronimo-openejb-builder offline.



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