I observed that a JIRA will show up in "Patch Availble" only if it is marked
as improvement and Begin RTC review is clicked.


On 1/25/07, Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has anyone noticed that the JIRA Project Summary - Patch Available count
is not correct?
Currently, it only shows 4 issues with patches, but there are -
        1.1.2   - 1
        1.2     - 1
        1.x     - 2
        M2      - 4
        Beta1   - 2
        2.0     - 12
        Wish    - 6
        Verif   - 1
        Unsch   - 28
So, why isn't the count showing 57 instead?
It seems to only be counting the ones that have Status=Patch Available
and ignoring those with Patch Info=Patch Available.


Hernan Cunico wrote:
> Howdy,
> it may sound weird asking this now but I'm either creating JIRAs the
> wrong way or we are not displaying the all the info in
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/geronimo (or I just don't know how
> to read it)
> On the JIRA front page for GERONIMO you can see open issues due to be
> fixed per version.
> When I create a JIRA for a specific version I normally specify the
> "affected version" (let's say 2.0-M2) in the *Affects Version/s:* box
> and leave the *Fix Version/s:* empty as I don't really know for sure
> when that issue is going to be fixed unless I am the assignee.
> This issue I just created does not get listed (counted actually) for
> that particular version in the project's JIRA home page.
> Is this query is automatically provided by JIRA or we can customize it
> to show the affected version instead?
> At this particular point in time the actual setting show 5 open issues,
> if we could change it to affected versions it would show 16.
> Does this make any sense at all?
> Again, it might be just me not really understanding how to use JIRAs.
> Comments appreciated
> Cheers!
> Hernan

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