Here's my +1.

I did a quick test of each of the 4 assemblies (tomcat/jetty; jee5/minimal). I noticed just one strange thing. When deploying a simple web application without a deployment plan and then viewing it from the console it; listed configuration parents that included both the axis2 and cxf cars. This was strange because the simple web app had no need of any web services. Is this expected?


Matt Hogstrom wrote:

I have made the binaries from Geronimo 2.0-M2 available for review at:

In this directory you will find the various assemblies for your review as well as one massive tar ball that has the various artifacts that will ultimately be distributed.

The files are being uploaded as this is being written so give them some time.

Also included in this vote are the artifacts for the JACC spec 1.0-M2 which is required for 2.0-M2.

Remember...this is a milestone and not a full release.

Thanks for David Blevins for being quite the helper tonight in getting the Release Notes in line and helping out with Open EJB.


This vote will conclude on Tuesday at 0100 Eastern.



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