I forget which properties do what, but I think it is needed for multiple instance support.

On Jan 26, 2007, at 9:40 AM, Ted Kirby wrote:

Providing the org.apache.geronimo.home.dir system property to allow
the home directory to be passed in is good, but if this is not used
(and I'd don't feel it should be required/used in the normal case),
DirectoryUtils.getGeronimoInstallDirectory() is used to determine the
home directory.  This method uses machinations that do not resolve
correctly if the home directory is a symbolic link.  Since the
invoking geronimo script sets and uses GERONIMO_HOME, why does it not
pass this value into the server?  I would think that BasicServerInfo
would want to set baseDirectory to GERONIMO_HOME (if the
org.apache.geronimo.home.dir system property is not set), and invoke
DirectoryUtils.getGeronimoInstallDirectory() only if GERONIMO_HOME is
not set.


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