Understood and Thanks!! Yep. you are right about the tutorial :)

-- dims

On 2/2/07, Lin Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Dims,

I made a little bit progress into this but not as much as I like.  Thought
I'd keep you updated.

First, I had to comment out a line where we setEndInterface to
webserviceAnnot, as this is causing an axis2 validation error upon the war
deployment.  With this change, I was able to run .wsdl request.

Second, the code didn't set setAxisService on the messagecontext inside of
doservice2(). This caused a "The requested service could not be found" error
from Axis2.

I am debugging the third issue (hope it is the final issue) where an
exception is thrown at the demarshalRequest inside of

I haven't attempted to get the jax-ws tutorial working yet
(http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC20/simple-web-service-with-jax-ws.html) as I
would be really surprised that it works before we pass the jax-ws test.

Thanks, Lin

Davanum Srinivas :: http://wso2.org/ :: Oxygen for Web Services Developers

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