Yep, I'm still failing here as well. Did the patch for ClassFinder not make it into a new snapshot yet ??

Tim McConnell

David Blevins wrote:

On Feb 14, 2007, at 1:07 PM, Tim McConnell wrote:

... and not too surprising--it runs much faster now as well....

I bet :)

Hey, so I'm running into an issue with the Jetty JSP Examples config that seems to be realted to your patch. Did you see this or know what it's about?

[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Geronimo Configs :: JSP Examples Jetty
[INFO]    task-segment: [clean, install]
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [clean:clean]
[INFO] Deleting directory /Users/dblevins/work/geronimo-trunk/configs/jsp-examples-jetty/target [INFO] Deleting directory /Users/dblevins/work/geronimo-trunk/configs/jsp-examples-jetty/target/classes [INFO] Deleting directory /Users/dblevins/work/geronimo-trunk/configs/jsp-examples-jetty/target/test-classes
[INFO] [tools:require-java-version {execution: validate-java-version}]
[INFO] [tools:copy-legal-files {execution: install-legal-files}]
[INFO] Created dir: /Users/dblevins/work/geronimo-trunk/configs/jsp-examples-jetty/target/classes/META-INF [INFO] Copying 2 files to /Users/dblevins/work/geronimo-trunk/configs/jsp-examples-jetty/target/classes/META-INF
[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [car:prepare-plan]
[INFO] Generated: /Users/dblevins/work/geronimo-trunk/configs/jsp-examples-jetty/target/plan/plan.xml
[INFO] [car:package]
[INFO] Packaging module configuration: /Users/dblevins/work/geronimo-trunk/configs/jsp-examples-jetty/target/plan/plan.xml [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Exception encountered processing annotations for module: org.apache.geronimo.configs/jsp-examples-jetty/2.0-SNAPSHOT/car


Tim McConnell

David Blevins wrote:
On Feb 12, 2007, at 5:14 AM, Tim McConnell wrote:
Great, I'll work on these changes today. Thanks much

Reviewing the new patch! There are a few spec things that need to be fixed but it looks pretty great overall.

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