M3 sounds better to me than Beta-1.
I also like the idea of release early release, let's keep up the drum beat from 
the prev milestones releasing once a month.


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
We're getting to the end of February so its time to discuss what will drop and what we call it. On the original set of goals this next drop would be beta-1 but based on recent e-mail discussions as well as IRC and some experimentation I think the soup needs a few more items before we turn the flame to simmer. That said, I think that translates the February drop to be M3 rather than beta-1.

We've improved deployment, made a lot of plumbing changes, etc so I'll solicit people's input for the highlights of this next Milestone (and if we al concur this is the right designation). If we're all tracking on this then I'd plan to follow the previous plan of branching at around 1700 next Wednesday (ET) of course not disrupting trunk and the progress that is being made. This would mean that we are settling into a monthly release in tune with release early and often (even if its not soup yet ;-)

BEA recently announced that they have a developer release of WebLogic that has passed CTS so we're not alone out there in the world. I have to admit it feels pretty good to be on the forming wave rather than paddling to catch one that has already left.

As far as assemblies are concerned I recommend using the same assemblies we did for last month as I don't think Axis or Cayenne are really integrated enough yet for people to try out. correct me if my understanding is not correct.

Comments, and feedback welcome.



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