
We're having a scenario where business processes leave SM boundaries
into external systems in order to return later on. Interfaces to these
systems are HTTP Web services (SOAP 1.1). Some of the processes involve
human tasks. Therefore, estimates about the duration cannot be made.

What we would like to have is a mechanism allowing relating incoming
(HTTP SOAP) messages to flows that have previously occurred, as intended
by the ebMS*) ConversationId element.**)

- SM's correlation ID***) seems to be rather similar. Does it intend to
provide the same thing?
- Why is SM's correlationId set as ThreadLocal?****) Why is it limited
to "[tracing] the flow of the messages inside a Service Assembly"?

- What about extending servicemix-http to look for an eb:ConversationId
in the SOAP header and setting it as the correlation ID?

Thanks in advance,
Philipp Rossmanith

*) See http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#ebxmlmsgv2

**) 3.1.3 ConversationId Element
The REQUIRED ConversationId element is a string identifying the set of
related messages that make up a conversation between two Parties. It
MUST be unique within the context of the specified CPAId. The Party
initiating a conversation determines the value of the ConversationId
element that SHALL be reflected in all messages pertaining to that

The ConversationId enables the recipient of a message to identify the
instance of an application or process that generated or handled earlier
messages within a conversation. It remains constant for all messages
within a conversation.

The value used for a ConversationId is implementation dependent. An
example of the ConversationId element follows:

***) See https://issues.apache.org/activemq/browse/SM-751,

****) See org.apache.servicemix.common.AsyncBaseLifeCycle

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