I have noticed a few issues with openejb and geronimo and I was
wondering what is the status of these problems or if I'm doing
something wrong. I think some of these might already be known issues:

1) Redeployment of the same EJB fails with:

Deployer operation failed:
Configuration already exists: XXXX

2) If there is an openejb-jar.xml file in the archive (with
dependency/moduleId element) I see the following message in the

[severity=ERROR,message=unexpected element (uri:"http://www.openejb.org/openejb-
jar/1.1", local:"environment"). Expected elements are <{http://www.openejb.org/o

3) I'm unable to lookup the EJB from a J2SE client application (not
app client container). This used to work with OpenEJB2 and I don't
know if the mapping has changed (I've tried different combinations
with no success) or if that does not work yet.

Can somebody clarify?


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