On 2/22/07, Terry Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any ideas on how to do that ?

You need more than one way to get to information as people will use
different strategies to find out about a new technology. I personally
like to know at a glance the scope of a project, so I preferred the
original approach (and the one taken on the ActiveMQ site) of having
lots of left menu items for each topic, component or significant point.

Yeah, we need to add some back.
Do you have any suggestions ?

The documentation is probably weakest on practical examples, judging by
the sort of support queries coming in. There should be explicit
tutorials for binding to a foreign web service, exposing a web service,
wrapping a POJO, creating JBI components, packaging and deploying using
su/sa, applying security.

Agreed, there are some tutorials in the way, but we need more of course.
The examples from the distribution may be used too, but not all are really

We also need to do a better job of keeping these up to date and making
it clear which documentation refers to which release.

Yeah, if you see some unclear areas, just send a mail so that we can fix them.


Guillaume Nodet
Architect, LogicBlaze (http://www.logicblaze.com/)
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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