Hi All,

I think I wrote something which may be of use to ServiceMix, but
unfortunately I don't have time to integrate it myself - so I'm going to
throw it out there for everyone :-)

I started a project called SXC - simple xml compiler - which creates
optimized xml parsers for various things. There is one for JAXB. But, the
one of probably the most interest to this crew is the XPath frontend. SXC
can build a streaming xpath parser for you (at runtime). This means you can
listen for XPath events as you scan over the document. This allows for very
efficient XPath based routing. In my initial performance test it was about
100x faster than Jaxen for locating nodes (although thats a very rough
benchmark, real numbers may vary!)

We also integrated it with Drools so you can write XPath expressions right
in your rules.

Check out these links for more information:


The one caveat is that we support only a limited subset of XPath expressions
at the moment. But if you wanted to hack SXC, its easy enough to add more.
I'm happy to help where I can or give guidance to anyone who wants to
participate as well.

Anyone up for hacking it into servicemix? :-)

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions
http://envoisolutions.com | http://netzooid.com/blog

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