Lasantha Ranaweera wrote:

What is the recommended Java version to be used with building G from source code?

At the moment I am having a problem of building G from source code (maven build fails with complaining incompatible Java version).

I'm running into the same issue with 1.5.0_05. This makes for an odd error message:

[INFO] [enforcer:enforce {execution: default}]
[INFO] Detected Maven Version: 2.0.5 is allowed in the range [2.0.5,).
[WARNING] Rule 0: RequireJavaVersion failed with message: Detected JDK Version:
1.5.0-05 is not in the allowed range [1.5,1.6).

Changing the range to [1.4,1.6) let's me pass but that's probably not a good idea ;-)


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